Lilo and Stitch

Lilo und Stitch Spielfilm

During Production of Disney's "Lilo and Stitch" I was part of the “Animation Tools” group at the Studio ( based out of California, but I worked out of Florida).  I developed several tools that were used on this movie, as well as various others:

  • Maya Ghost:  A plugin into Maya that generated ghosting trails of animation figures. This helped with planning out the movement in screen space.
  • Maya Copy:  A plugin into Maya that allows you to copy Animations from one rig into another.  The real difficulty is that often these rigs are built differently, and the coordinate systems in the articulation could be vastly different;  so a solution was developed where animators/riggers could input Rules that described how to transfer the animation from one rig to the other.
  • Maya Implementation of the Disney Camera:  Way back in the days, Disney developed a multi plane camera.  In Digital Production,  a digital equivalent was used, and I implemented a plugin into Maya that mimicked that.